Allen Heritage Village Gardens
The Allen Garden Club has coordinated the landscaping around the Lynge house, St. Mary Church, and the restroom buildings. Our first project was St. Mary Church in 2003. We helped the Collin County Master Gardeners and Leadership Allen classes with planting around the Christian Church, Bolin House, I-house, and median gardens.
Our members help the Collin County Master Gardeners with regular maintenance of the gardens during the growing season to keep them looking their best.
Join members of the Allen Garden Club and Collin County Master Gardeners at the Allen Heritage Village, 450 St. Mary Dr., Allen to help maintain the various gardens. Bring your garden gloves, tools (pruners, hand trowel, weed digger, etc.), hat, sunscreen, bug spray, and water. Work can begin around 8:30 am during the summer months and later during cooler months. Work will resume in March, weather permitting. More details on days/times when we will help will be published here in March.
Click on the photos below to get a closer look.
Read about the History of the Allen Heritage Village Gardens.